Специальные возможности



Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the State Institution "RSSPMCMandCH"

Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the State
Institution "RSSPMCMandCH"


The main focus of the State Institution "RSSPMCMandCH" is to provide specialized obstetric, gynecological and neonatological care using modern medical technologies.

The Centre works according to the principles of the World Health Organization's program "Hospital Smiles for a Child", which contains 10 principles of successful breastfeeding and etc.  

The Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation is the scientific and educational base of the Centre's activities. It is constantly improving the standards of treatment in accordance with international experience and evidence-based medicine, in its work it uses recommendations and national protocols, as well as WFSA, ESA, FIGO. 

The department is designed for 12 beds. Each ward has a round-the-clock post, the wards are equipped with modern monitoring and diagnostic equipment. Application of modern approaches and methods of treatment of patients with severe obstetric and extragenital pathology in the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation allows to optimize pregnancy outcomes for both mother and child.

Priority directions of scientific and practical activities of the department - "Development of modern high-tech methods of anesthesiologic support and intensive care of critical conditions in patients with a high risk of complications in obstetrics". Improvement of complex evaluation of the effectiveness of intensive therapy and adequacy of anesthesia care in bleeding, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, sepsis and water and electrolyte disorders. Development and improvement of safety measures for patients in the perioperative period with severe obstetric and extragenital pathology, using modern medical technologies in anesthesiology and resuscitation.

All operating theatres are equipped with modern anesthetic, respiratory and therapeutic equipment and fully comply with international standards. This ensures not only perioperative safety of patients, but also allows for more precise use of medications depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and reducing the risk of postoperative complications. 

The staff of the department is distinguished by a high professional level. All doctors of the department are fluent in modern methods of anesthesia. The medical staff regularly undergoes advanced training and participates in scientific research.

The staff of the department is a friendly and attentive team of specialists who are able to find an individual approach to each patient and ensure not only the safety of nursing and delivery, but also create comfort during treatment.

Modern high-tech equipment and methods of anesthesiology, high qualification of the staff allow to perform the most complex operations, including in patients with severe obstetric and extragenital pathology, to carry out postoperative rehabilitation in the shortest possible time.

  The Department employs highly qualified specialists, including 1 Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, 3 Candidate of Medical Sciences, and the doctors of the highest qualification category.

At present, according to the development plans of the Centre, the Department has signed the international Memorandum of understanding in the field of science and education with Russia, China and Ukraine.


Head of the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation, State Institution "RSSPMCMandCH", medical expert of complex cases, Member (ESAIС), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kim Yon-Din.



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