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On the results of the international medical forum

In Samarkand, on May 26-27, the Uzbek-German International Medical Forum was held at the Congress Center of the International Tourist Complex "Silk Road Samarkand".

The event, organized on the initiative of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was attended by responsible officials of the ministry, representatives of specialized scientific and practical medical centers, higher medical educational institutions of the country, as well as German scientists and experts, heads of prestigious medical centers, large pharmaceutical companies, as well as investors. The total number of participants is more than 550.

The forum was opened with an opening speech by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Amrillo Inoyatov.

At the forum, the views on the prospects for cooperation between the two countries in the field of medicine were also expressed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to our country Tilo Klinner, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Germany Nabijon Kosimov, Chairman of the German-Uzbek Medical Society Koch Avitsenna Helmut Hahn, Director of the Regional Office of the German Development Bank (KfW) for Central Asia Andreas Schneider, Head of the Representative Office of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Uzbekistan Joachim Fritz, who participated in the event in offline and online formats.

During the two-day forum, issues of expanding medical cooperation between the two countries, digitalization of healthcare, development of medical tourism, increasing the package of investment projects, and implementing joint educational programs in medicine were discussed. Special attention was paid to issues related to traditional medicine.

The forum noted that Uzbekistan has all the necessary conditions, including a convenient infrastructure, and the rights of investors are enshrined in law It was also emphasized that all the necessary opportunities and conditions will be created for investors and entrepreneurs to turn Uzbekistan into the capital of medical tourism for the 120 million population of Central Asia.

Within the framework of the forum, about 20 German specialists were awarded for their contribution to the improvement of medical education, advanced training of doctors in Uzbekistan, as well as the development of bilateral cooperation.

During the event, more than 70 agreements and memorandums totaling over $100 million were signed.






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